
Универсальная астрология

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The library of the magazine "Samaya" This book is one of the most complete publications that characterize all aspects of the life of representatives of different signs of the Zodiac - interpersonal relationships, family life, circle of interests, health and much more.

Knowledge of the laws of the ancient science of astrology helps us understand ourselves, understand loved ones, build relationships with colleagues and superiors, and solve many other everyday problems, including furnishing the interior, choosing the right gift or decoration for a dear person. This book is one of the most comprehensive publications describing all aspects of the life of representatives of different signs of the Zodiac - interpersonal relationships, family life, circle of interests, health and much more

Data sheet

ISBN 9785486019074
Publisher Мир книги
Publication date 2008
Number of Pages 128
Book series Библиотека журнала Самая
Bookbinding твердый

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