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Левшинов А.


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This book is intended for those who want to get rich and succeed in business and career. It is no secret that the basis of success in any business is the knowledge of people and the ability to effectively deal with them.

Modern psychological science offers many classifications according to personality types and recommendations on how to behave with people belonging to a particular type.

However, most of these classifications require deep study and do not allow you to immediately determine what kind of person is in front of you and how you should behave with him in order to win him over.

Therefore, the author proposes to resort to the help of the most ancient science of mankind - astrology. After reading this book, you will know what to do to get your boss to give you a raise and a promotion; whom to choose as partners so that the business brings a good income; how to treat your subordinates so that they root for your company as if it were their own.

The recommendations in this book will allow you, as soon as you get to know a person, to understand who is in front of you, what you can expect from him and how to handle him so that both of you are satisfied.

Data sheet

ISBN 9785949460191
Publisher ОЛМА Медиа Групп
Publication date 2003
Number of Pages 128
Bookbinding мягкий

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