
Диалог с Доктором. Часть 2. Время удивительных открытий

Сергей Сергеевич Коновалов


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Annotation to the book "The Practice of Correspondence Treatment. Dialogue with the Doctor. Part 2. Time of Amazing Discoveries"

The correspondence treatment has already captured millions of people on the planet. People are treated, recover, rejoice, tell the Doctor about their victories and, of course, ask questions. This is how the books "Dialogue with the Doctor" were born in the "Book that heals" series, where the Doctor summarizes the results of remote treatment and answers the most typical questions of his remote patients. Read, comprehend the Information-Energy Teaching, which is becoming stronger and stronger in modern life, in modern science.
This book is not a medical textbook. All recommendations must be agreed with the attending physician.

Data sheet

ISBN 9785949460597
Publisher ОЛМА Медиа Групп
Publication date 2003
Number of Pages 218
Bookbinding мягкий

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