
Поговори со мной! Как вырастить общительного человека из замкнутого мальчика


Адамс Д.К.

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Parents of boys always have a special task - girls are generally more sociable and free to communicate, especially with their parents. After all, one "harmless" children's complex can develop into a big life problem. When your son throws "okay" at you in response to any question, or just stares blankly at you, or quickly changes the subject, you can chalk it up to "boys are boys." But all the same, sadness remains in the soul about something already irretrievably lost in your relationship or anxiety that something is eating your son. You may be right in both cases. Do you need to talk more with your son and how to do it more effectively? This book will help you break down emerging barriers in communicating with your child, raise him to be more sociable and sociable.

Psychologist Adam Cox helps boys and teenagers overcome isolation, understand their problems, save them from possible trouble. Are you sure that you always understand what is in your son's soul? What problems does he have at school? Does he share with you the vital or closes in himself? Help him gain confidence, understand his place in life, and communicate easily with adults and peers. All this and more in Talk to Me! How to raise an outgoing person from an introverted boy (Adam J. Cox)

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-222-13144-2
Publisher Феникс
Format 84x108/32
Publication date 2008
Number of Pages 480
Book series Мир вашего ребенка
Bookbinding твердый

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