
Сила материнской любви


Галина Шереметева

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You are holding in your hands a new book by the famous author Galina Borisovna Sheremeteva. This book is about love and its manifestations. Many people are looking for this feeling for themselves, but they themselves are not yet able to give and keep it. Love begins for everyone from early childhood. We receive it from our parents: from the mother through touch, breast milk and care, from the father through feelings of security and support. A child who is loved feels protected. Parental love gives him confidence, gives him health and helps create a bright future. Growing up, we learn to develop and improve this feeling. Thanks to love, talents flourish, a person becomes happy and self-confident. But what if you didn't get it? This book is about where love comes from, how to grow and develop it. About all this and not only in the book The Power of Maternal Love (Galina Sheremeteva)

The book makes you think about the connection of everything in this world and in our life. Nothing happens by chance, everything that happens to us, we deserve it. The book helps to live consciously.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-413-00643-6
Publisher M., Амрита
Format 84x108/32
Library Circulation 2000
Number of Pages 240

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