
Сахаровские слушания : четвертая сессия, Лиссабон, октябрь 1983


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Publisher's cover with color graphic composition. Impeccable security. First edition. Collection of speeches at the seminar, which took place under the name "Sakharov hearings" in 1983. With 46 photographs of the era. Editor-compiler of the collection Semyon Reznik. With a photo portrait of Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, a well-known Russian human rights activist, 1921-1989. The main points of the content: From the editor of the compiler (Sakharov hearings (Instead of the preface. Honorary Committee of the Sakharov hearings. Honored guests. Executive committee. Jury). - Opening of the hearings (Antonio Maria Pereira. Professor Mota Pinto. Efrem Yankelevich. Felsted Andresen. Krzysztof Pomyan). - The situation of Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (Vladimir Voinovich. Questions to Voinovich. Elizaveta Semenova. The hunger strike of Sakharov and Bonner in 1981. Questions to Semenova. Sarah Babenysheva. The struggle against Sakharov is a struggle for destruction. Questions to Babenysheva. Vladimir Tolz. Vera Livchak. Alexander Babenyshev.) - The suppression of intellectual freedom in the USSR (Boris Khazanov. Control over the word in the USSR. Semyon Chertok. Film censorship in the USSR. Statement by Kronid Lyubarsky. Vladimir Voinovich. Three types of censorship in the USSR ...) - The situation in Poland (Jerome Shestak Jan Zelenka, Krzysztof Pomyan, State of Workers in the USSR (L. Lysenko, Soviet Trade Unions as an Instrument of Exploitation, Al. Khakhulin, Labor and Life of Soviet Fishermen, Lev Konson. The situation of young workers in the USSR. Leo Karapetyan. Working conditions at one plant. Simon Badash. Soviet "free" medicine ...). - Performance by Mario Soaris. - Documents adopted at the Hearings (Appeal in defense of Andrei Sakharov. Telegram in defense of Iosif Begun). - A. Poreira. Afterword. - Application. Valuable primary sources. Genuine documents of the era: the last years of the USSR. Russian press in England.

For Slavists, historians of Russia, bibliographers. Rare.

Data sheet

Publisher Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd Лондон
Publication date 1985
Bookbinding мягкий

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