
Новый класс


Милован Джилас

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“The New Class” - this is what the Yugoslav politician, former member of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, scientist and writer Milovan Djilas called his book, who tried to theoretically comprehend the question: who are the “managers”? Personal life experience - an irreplaceable treasure - opened up unique opportunities for him for this. Djilas was not only among the “managers” for a number of years, he headed them, being a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee - the holy of holies of any communist party. The essence of the theory developed by Djilas boils down to the following. After the victory of the socialist revolution, the apparatus of the Communist Party turns into a new ruling class. This class of party bureaucracy monopolizes power in the state. Having carried out nationalization, he appropriates all state property. As a result, the newly emerged master of all the instruments and means of production - the new class - becomes a class of exploiters, tramples all norms of human morality, supports its dictatorship by methods of terror and total ideological control. A degeneration is taking place: former selfless revolutionaries who demanded the broadest democratic freedoms, once in power, turn into ferocious reactionaries - stranglers of freedom. A positive aspect in the activity of the new class in economically underdeveloped countries is the industrialization it carries out and the necessary spread of culture associated with it; However, its management of the economy is characterized by extreme wastefulness, and culture has the character of political propaganda. “When the new class leaves the historical stage - and this must happen,” Djilas summarizes, “people will grieve for it less than for any other class that existed before it.”

Data sheet

Publisher Фредерик А. Прегер, Нью-Йорк
Publication date 1961
Number of Pages 243
Bookbinding мягкий

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