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Ульянов Н. И.

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Ulyanov, N. I. Silent Marx. 1969.

Russian historian, student of Academician Sergei PlatonovNikolai Ulyanov (1904–1985) is almost unknown to the general Russian reader. In the mid-1920s, he graduated from Leningrad State University, and in 1936 he was arrested by the NKVD and sentenced to five years in camps for "counter-revolutionary Trotskyist activities." Released in early June 1941, during the war, Ulyanov ended up in the occupied territory and in 1943 was sent to forced labor in Germany, where he had to be a welder at BMW factories . At the end of World War II, he moved first to Morocco, then to Canada, and from there to the United States, where the scientist taught Russian history and literature at Yale University for 17 years. Ulyanov's main scientific work is "The Origin of Ukrainian Separatism" (1966). The work "Silenced Marx" was written by him in 1969.

There is a chapter in the personality and teaching of the apostle of communism that cannot be said to be hidden; Materials related to it have been published, but the general reader does not know them. If "Capital", "Communist Manifesto", "Anti-Dühring" and other "liturgical" books are published in huge editions and are directly imposed on the public, then to get acquainted with articles from the "New Rhine Gazette" one must turn to rare and rare publications , Word of the Stuttgart "Aus dem literarischen Nachlass von K. Marx, F. Engels und F. Lassab. Letters on the topic we are going to talk about here are also difficult to access. Special research interest is needed so that from several volumes of "Briefwechseb, published by the works F. Mering, Bebel, Kautsky, Bernstein, extract the necessary texts.) Such a work, of course, is not for the general reader. The followers of Marx and the Marxist scholars by no means set themselves the task of facilitating acquaintance with them. If they sometimes have to touch upon spicy material, they almost always smooth out its odiousness, give it an interpretation favorable to Marx.

Data sheet

Publisher Посев
Publication date 1969
Number of Pages 30
Bookbinding мягкий

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