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Владимов Г.

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A story for Heinrich Böll.

Story-essay about the fate of the Soviet intelligentsia in the 80s. Applications: To the Presidium of the IV Congress of Writers of the USSR. To the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Letter to the General Secretary.

Real name - Georgy Nikolaevich Volosevich. Born in Kharkov in the family of a teacher. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University, worked in the magazine "New World". He made his debut in literature with the story "Big Ore" (1961), followed by the novel "Three Minutes of Silence" (1969). Both of these works were published in the Novy Mir magazine and only then were published as separate books. In 1975, the novel Faithful Ruslan was published in the West, and in November 1977 Vladimov was expelled from the Writers' Union of the USSR. In 1983 Vladimov emigrated to Germany. From 1984 to 1986 he headed the magazine "Frontiers". In 1989, the novel "Faithful Ruslan" was published in the USSR, and in the mid-90s the novel "The General and His Army" about General Vlasov was published. The controversy around this novel does not subside to this day. He died on October 19, 2003 in Frankfurt am Main. Buried in the village of Peredelkino near Moscow. Georgy Vladimov. Novel, short story, short story, play. Publishing house "U-Factoria". Ekaterinburg. 1999.

Data sheet

Publisher Посев
Publication date 1983
Number of Pages 79
Bookbinding мягкий переплет

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Издательство ПОСЕВ

Flurscheideweg 15
Frankfurt am Main, 65936

Свободное русское издательство «Посев» — издательство, учреждённое в Германии российскими эмигрантами из Народно-трудового союза и выпускающее книги (в том числе художественную литературу) на русском языке, а также журналы «Посев» и «Грани».

Основано в 1945 году в лагере для перемещённых лиц Мёнхенгоф в американской зоне оккупации Германии. В 1947 году издательство переезжает в Лимбург-на-Лане, а в январе — во Франкфурт-на-Майне. В 1992 году открыт филиал в Москве.

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