
Сказание о синей мухе. Красное и черное. Собрание сочинений в 12 томах. Том 11


Валерий Тарсис

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Valery Tarsis is the first Soviet writer deprived of Soviet citizenship. His "The Tale of the Blue Fly", distributed by samizdat, aroused dissatisfaction with the highest authorities, primarily Khrushchev, at whose direction Tarsis was placed in a mental hospital in 1962. He was released in 1963 after international protests. In the same year, he announced his withdrawal from the CPSU and the SP of the USSR. In 1966, the authorities granted Tarsis the right to travel abroad (the permission was signed on February 7), but already on February 18 they deprived him of Soviet citizenship and the right to return to the USSR.

The legend of the blue fly. Red and black. Frankfurt am Main: Sowing, 1966.

Data sheet

Publisher Possev-Verlag
Publication date 1966
Number of Pages 172
Bookbinding Hardcover

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Издательство ПОСЕВ

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Frankfurt am Main, 65936

Свободное русское издательство «Посев» — издательство, учреждённое в Германии российскими эмигрантами из Народно-трудового союза и выпускающее книги (в том числе художественную литературу) на русском языке, а также журналы «Посев» и «Грани».

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