
Минувшее. Исторический альманах. 15


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In the issue, the reader will find: memoirs and correspondence about the literary life of Moscow in the 1900-1920s, about the life of the Russian emigration in the 1920s-1930s, materials on the origin of "Tolstoyism", unknown letters from I. Bunin, B. Pasternak, A. Bely, M. Voloshin, G. Shengeli; documents on the relations of Orthodox hierarchs and communities with the Bolsheviks; evidence of parish life in Petrograd after the revolution; diaries of one of the major hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church. All published texts are commented in detail. The book is intended both for specialists and for a wide range of readers interested in the domestic past. Contains illustrations.

Data sheet

Publisher Atheneum-Феникс
Publication date 1994
Number of Pages 656
Book series Минувшее (альманах)
Bookbinding Hardcover

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