
10 заповедей коммуникационной войны. Как победить СМИ, Instagram и Facebook

Солопов Д., Гладкова К.


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Thanks to the development of social networks and the Internet, information is now spreading at a terrifying speed - and not always true or the one that we are ready to reveal. The post of some vlogger that will turn your life into a complete hell, deprive your business of consumers, make you justify yourself to shareholders, partners and customers is just a matter of time.
How do you respond if someone misrepresents you or your business? What to do if you are involved in a public conflict? How to admit your mistake correctly?
The authors of the book offer 10 universal commandments - ways of behavior that will help you get out of difficult communication situations, and two dozen practical examples (both positive and negative) clearly demonstrate the breadth and features of their application.
It is unlikely that you will be able to put this book on the shelf after reading it once. Leave it in plain sight, refer to it as often as possible, and then you will have a chance to survive in the communication armageddon of the 21st century.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-907274-67-9
Publisher Интеллектуальная Литература
Format 21.6 x 14.5 x 1.5
Publication date 2020
Number of Pages 216
Bookbinding Hardcover

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