
Ангел и камень. Жизнь Александра Блока. В 2-х томах


Аврил Пайман

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The name of the author of the book "Angel and the Stone. The Life of Alexander Blok" is well known to everyone who is interested in the history of Russian literature of the Silver Age. This Monograph has long become a classic in world science, but only now the reader has the opportunity to familiarize himself with it in the translation of the author himself. Even against the backdrop of a huge number of books and articles about Blok, Avril Pyman’s book is unique in its own way, primarily in its factual completeness. Until recently, all scientific and popular biographies of the poet contained gaps filled in the book based on carefully analyzed sources that had never been introduced into scientific circulation. At the same time, it is intended not only for specialists, but also for a wide range of readers. A lively and fascinating story, not overloaded with references to scientific literature, is constructed using a variety of published and unpublished documents. Book one covers the period from 1880 to 1908, accompanied by rich illustrative material, including a number of rare photographic documents. Book two covers the period from 1908 to 1921, accompanied by rich illustrative material and rare documents. For philologists and a wide range of readers.

Data sheet

Publisher Наука
Publication date 2005
Bookbinding Hardcover

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