
Игрок в гольф и миллионер

Фишер М.


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The Golfer and the Millionaire is a touching yet powerful story about the true nature of victory and success. We used to think that the most technical, artistic, purposeful, persistent people are on the pedestal. That careful training, skill, well, and sports luck, of course, are mandatory components of the championship. Another one of our illusions! In training you are a master of golf, but in competition you are a loser! "Intrigues" of an unlucky star? By no means! In every person there is a great player, a millionaire, a brilliant professional. The one who always and in everything is accompanied by success. The problem is that few people know about it. People are sleeping. Their self-image is distorted, their own mind plays a sophisticated game with them. To emerge victorious from this competition? Yes! It's possible. If we discard everything we have known so far about victory and luck and master the technique of success. The ability to manage one's talent, the ability to command one's mind is much more expensive and more effective than grueling workouts. Check it out!

Data sheet

ISBN 9785957307839
Publisher ВЕСЬ
Format 84x108/32
Publication date 2013
Number of Pages 192
Book series Трансерфинг реальности
Bookbinding мягкий

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