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Уолш, Нил Доналд

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This book is a big hug with God, or at least a respectful bow to Him, a thank you note, a love note.
I hope that by the time you finish this book, you will feel like you have just been embraced by God. Do you know why? Because God always responds to hugs.
When we hug God, He hugs us.
And not even like that - God hugs before.
That's what this book is about. It tells about the moments in our lives when God comes and hugs us tightly. These hugs are expressed in completely different ways, and here you will see how it happens. Immediate fulfillment of prayers, 'signs' from heaven, miraculous resolution of problems - it's all here on the following pages.

There are brown pencil underlinings in the text.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-344-00192-4
Publisher Киев: София
Publication date 2002
Number of Pages 252
Bookbinding твердый

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