
Слитно, раздельно, через дефис. Орфографический словарь русского языка


Сост. А.И.Синцов

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How to write correctly: together, separately or with a hyphen? You will find the answer to this one of the most difficult and urgent questions of Russian spelling in this dictionary. It contains more than 35,000 words of the Russian literary language, the writing of which usually causes difficulties: commonly used words, scientific and technical terms, as well as many borrowed words that have replenished our vocabulary in recent years. In this edition you will find a large number of semantic, grammatical and stylistic explanations that help to consider the issue of writing complex words from different angles. The dictionary is addressed to a wide range of readers, it will become an indispensable tool for students, applicants and everyone who wants to speak and write correctly.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-9524-4156-9
Publisher Центрополиграф. Москва. 2009
Format 210х135
Library Circulation 3 000
Bookbinding твердый переплет, 395 стр.
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

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Leipzig, 04357

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