
Мультимедийный словарь по экологии. + CD.Перевод с итальянского


Д.Фаис, В.Н.Максимов,Дж.Моричи,Л.Назелли-Флорес

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The dictionary contains interpretations of the most important terms related to ecology as a biological science about the interaction of organisms with each other and with the environment of their existence. The proposed texts are the result of the joint work of a number of specialists from Russia and Italy. The structure of the dictionary reflects the features of the hypertext, which is presented on a CD in three languages - Russian, Italian, English. For students of non-biological universities and high school students.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-02-035733-2
Publisher Наука. Москва. 2007
Format 205х140
Library Circulation 1 000
Bookbinding мягкий переплет, 184 стр.
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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