
Словарь русского школьного жаргона XIX века


Анищенко О.А.

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"Dictionary of Russian school jargon of the 19th century." OA Anishchenko, which is the result of the author's many years of work on the study of slang vocabulary, includes more than a thousand words and phraseological units. In fact, it contains lexemes that were used in all educational institutions of Russia in the 19th century: universities, gymnasiums, spiritual and educational institutions, institutes for noble maidens, cadet and cadet schools, lyceums, boarding schools, theater schools. The jargon vocabulary includes lexemes and phraseological units that reflect the life of young students in the 19th century. The sources of the Dictionary were the texts of memoirs, fiction, historical, journalistic and epistolary literature.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-902872-13-8
Publisher Элипс. Москва. 2007
Format 205х130
Library Circulation 1 000
Bookbinding твердый,368 стр.
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

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Leipzig, 04357

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