
Словарь областного Архангельского наречия в его бытовом и этнографическом применении


Подвысоцкий А.О.

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The "Dictionary of the regional Arkhangelsk dialect" was first published in 1885, two years after the death of the author-compiler Alexander Osipovich Podvysotsky, who devoted the last years of his life to collecting and systematizing lexicographic material. The dictionary became the first in Russia scientific edition of regional vocabulary of such a scale, was awarded the Lomonosov Prize (1881) and still has not lost its scientific significance and practical value. It contains about 9,000 words and expressions used by the inhabitants of the Arkhangelsk province. For the first time, the dictionary is published in modern spelling, which most adequately conveys the features of live colloquial speech.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-94282-516-4
Publisher ОГИ. Москва. 2009
Format 205х130
Library Circulation 800
Bookbinding твердый переплет, 576 стр.
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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