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Поль Брэгг

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The general condition of the body and the work of all its systems depend on how healthy and flexible the spine is. You can get rid of the oppression of drugs, throw off years and accumulated fatigue from your shoulders, regain the joy of movement and good health with the help of simple exercises and proper nutrition. The advice of the wellness classic Paul Bragg has helped millions of people around the world regain their strength and health. From the book you will learn how the spine is arranged, what prevents it from always being flexible and resilient, how to learn how to move, sit, keep your posture, do exercises and rearrange your nutrition for the benefit of the body's supporting system.

Data sheet

Publisher Крылов
Publication date 2009
Number of Pages 96
Bookbinding Softcover

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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