
Шедевры европейской графики из собрания В.Н. и Н.В. Басниных


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The exhibition of the graphic collection of Vasily Nikolaevich and Nikolai Vasilyevich Basnin represents one of the best parts of the collection of the Graphics Department of the GMIN im. A.S. Pushkin. The current project is intended to pay tribute to the memory of two remarkable people who dedicated their lives to the service of art, whose active enthusiasm testified not only to a passion for collecting, but also to participation in the destinies of national culture as a whole. "Ars animae humanae speculum est" (lat. - Art is a mirror of the human soul) - such was the motto engraved on the Basnins' owner's seal, which marked most of the sheets of their collection. A private collection is also a kind of mirror in which the soul of the collector is discernible - and, I think, it is this aspect that is especially important to keep in mind when studying the collection of engravings by the outstanding Russian collectors Basnins.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-91521-026-3
Publisher ГМИИ. Москва.
Format 290х225
Publication date 2010
Library Circulation 1 000
Number of Pages 432 с., ил.
Book series К 100-летию Государственного музея изобразительных искусств им.А.С.Пушкина
Bookbinding мягкая обложка

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

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Leipzig, 04357

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