

Reduced price! Русская гравюра и литография XVIII-XIX веков из собрания Красноярского художественного музея

Русская гравюра и литография XVIII-XIX веков из собрания Красноярского художественного музея


Селина Е. С.

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The catalog is the first attempt to systematize the graphic heritage of the Department of Russian Art of the XVIII-XIX centuries of the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V.I. Surikov and includes a detailed description of 128 engravings and lithographs. The publication is addressed to art historians, museum staff, collectors and a wide range of art lovers. Collection of Russian engravings and lithographs of the 18th – 19th centuries from the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V.I. Surikov has 128 works. The beginning of the formation of the collection dates back to 1960, when from the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin, a significant number of works of graphics were transferred. Among them are about 50 prints made by Russian artists of the 18th – 19th centuries, including works by masters of the Petrine era, fine examples of the ceremonial portrait of the princess Anna Petrovna, executed by Albert Wortman. Russian engraving of the second half of the 18th century is dominated by the portrait, in which more and more often one can observe a departure from the line of the ceremonial portrait. Throughout the 18th century, the organization of major celebrations was a component of state policy. Such celebrations were a real theatrical performance with its own program, direction, stage and scenery, which led to the creation of gravel albums depicting court celebrations - fireworks and illuminations. One of the central places in the collection of printed graphics is occupied by the works of Serov, Repin, Shishkin. "Master of the forest landscape" Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, along with painting, devoted a lot of time and effort to circulation graphics and created over a hundred sheets, devoting them entirely to the image of native Russian nature. Lithography, which appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, quickly gained popularity among artists. It made it possible to create reproductions from masterpieces of both foreign and Russian masters. The largest masters of that time immediately appreciated and began to use its rich visual possibilities, not only copying, but also creating their own original compositions.

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ISBN 9785905791079
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

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