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Буров Владимир Борисович

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Black and white book in color paperback. The book was first published by Vladimir Batshev in 1994. This is the first part of the book. NN, having sent an attorney, baptized the inhabitants of the village of Goryukhino. The reflection of the figure - a five-pointed star without two lower corners down - is a six-pointed star. This refers to both the top and bottom, connected together. The figure - three triangles, or the upper part, consisting of the three corners of a five-pointed star, is in Pushkin's drawing about the execution of the Decembrists. And surprisingly, one of these lines comes from the sky.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-87187-030-9
Publisher Мосты
Publication date 1994
Number of Pages 229
Bookbinding Softcover

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Издательство Литературный европеец (S)

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