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Зиновьев Александр

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This book is a stand-alone chapter for Yawning Heights. But the author lost this chapter and the book was published without it, and then, having found the manuscript, Zinoviev decided to publish it as a separate book.

“...So I am a renegade. A renegade is an Iban who has the audacity to publicly express his opinion, which is not in agreement with the opinion of his superiors, and therefore with the opinion of the rest of the Iban people. For the Iban authorities are only engaged in expressing the thoughts and aspirations of the Iban people...”

Alexander Aleksandrovich Zinoviev (1922-2006) - Russian philosopher, writer, sociologist, publicist. After the publication in the West of the sharply satirical book “Yawning Heights,” which brought Zinoviev world fame, in 1978 he was expelled from the country and deprived of Soviet citizenship. Returned to Russia in 1999.

Data sheet

Publisher Лозанна: L’Âge d’homme, Cop
Publication date 1979
Number of Pages 117
Bookbinding Softcover
Language Russian

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Rossica Berlin


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