
1001 вопрос о прошлом, настоящем и будущем России

Соловьев В.Р.


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The well-known TV and radio journalist, writer and publicist Vladimir Solovyov - as always sharp, topical and ironic - 1001 answers to 1001 questions about the past, present and future of Russia. There is no future without the past. But we live in the present, and every day something happens in our country. Every Russian has 1000 questions on a variety of occasions. And many of them remain unanswered. Someone is worried about what is happening here and now, someone is more turned to the past, and someone thinks about what our country will become when their children grow up. The author combined many questions into thematic blocks: recent history pain points politics and economics theater of the absurd society on the web people notes on the margins of life.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-699-43999-7
Publisher Эксмо-Пресс
Format 84x108/32
Publication date 2010
Number of Pages 288
Book series Соловьев Владимир: Провокационные книги известного ведущего
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