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Коран (Перевод и комментарии Богуславского Д.Н.

Богуславского Д.Н.


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- DHL Germany


Many researchers who have worked with Russian translations of the Koran consider the translation of General Dmitry Boguslavsky, made more than a hundred years ago, to be the most successful and closest to the text of the contents of the Holy Koran. This translation at the same time has its own peculiarity, being a direct translation of the Arabic text into Russian.

Orientalists who have worked with different versions of translations of the Qur'an claim that the notes and commentaries written by Boguslavsky are an excellent summary of all the tefsirs, written during the author's lifetime.

As a result, taking into account all the advantages of this work noted by scientists, the management of our publishing house came to a unanimous opinion on the need to prepare for publication the translation of D. Boguslavsky. The manuscript of Boguslavsky's work is today kept in the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Translation and comments by B.M., military adviser to the Russian Embassy in Istanbul. This was done by Boguslavsky.

This is the most reliable Russian translation of the Holy Quran and a short Russian commentary, distinguished by the perfection of Russian phrases and footnotes, containing a summary of the commentaries of the Quran written at that time.


ISBN 975-454-082-9
издательство Издательство: Стамбул: Çağrı Yayınları
формат Текст нормальный
год выпуска 2006
тираж -----
количество страниц 847
переплет Мягкий
язык Русский
второй язык арабский

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