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Достоверные предания из жизни Пророка Мухаммада, да благословит его Аллах и да приветствует. Издание 5

Сахих аль-Бухари

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Imam al-Bukhari went down in history for the first time he collected in his collection exclusively reliable hadiths (reports about the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace), having done a colossal amount of work. From the variety of messages about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), with which he became acquainted in various parts of the Caliphate, al-Bukhari selected through careful analysis a little more than one percent, so that in the collection of “Al-Jami al-sahih” ( which means “reliable collection”) included only 7,275 hadiths. Although there are other collections of hadith, it is Sahih al-Bukhari that is recognized in the Islamic world as the most reliable and important source in this field.


ISBN 978-5-94824-083-1
издательство Умма
формат 60x90/16
год выпуска 2008
количество страниц 960
серия Читай!
переплет твердый
язык Русский

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