
Искусство ХХ века, Музей изобразительных искусств в Будапеште, 1979 г., - редкая книга

Кристина Пашшут, Денеш Патаки

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Pashshut, Christina, Pataky, Denesh. Art of the XX century. - Budapest: Corvina, 1979 Enlarged format. This book, part of a series dedicated to the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, introduces a selection of materials from the Museum's newest department: a collection of 20th-century art, in the formation of which both authors played an important role. Denesh Pataky was the head of the Department of Contemporary Foreign Art. After his death, his work both in the Museum and in writing this book was continued by Kristina Pashshut. Among the 48 reproductions there are not only paintings, but also graphics, relief, round sculpture, collage and even photography. Among the reproductions are many works by world-famous masters: Picasso, Kokoschka, Schiele, Chagall, Schwitters, Le Corbusier, Guttuso, Beoti and others. The text accompanying the reproductions was written by K. Pashshut

Data sheet

Publisher Издательство «Корвина», Будапешт, отпечатано в Венгрии в типографии им. Кошута, Будапешт.
Format 23,5 х 20,8 х 1,4 см
Publication date 1979
Number of Pages 49
Book series Искусство и фотографии
Bookbinding Hardcover

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