
Судьба одного семейства. Карамзины. Вяземские


Рожанковская И.И.

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At the center of the documentary narrative is the figure of N.M. Karamzin, a man who put his personality and his private, domestic life, his separate destiny on a par with the fate of the people and the state, his private history on a par with the universal History. As a barely fledged young man, Karamzin finds himself in one of the centers of the then Russian intellectual life - in the circle of N.I. Novikov, at the beginning of the Great French Revolution, he finds himself in Paris, on the fateful days that decided the outcome of the war of 1812, he is in Moscow, after the victorious 1815 Karamzin is a constant interlocutor and opponent of Alexander I, and on December 14, 1825, he is on Senate Square in St. Petersburg. But Karamzin is not only a participant and witness of the historical action.
He sees contemporary historical figures and events as an integral part of the grandiose history of his individual world, in which in the foreground are heartfelt hobbies and disappointments, over the years - family, children, friends and creativity.
At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, the author of The History of the Russian State became the head of Russian literature and the spiritual leader of Russian society. On his banner - personal freedom and personal rights of a nobleman. The main thing here is inner liberation and independence. Karamzin claims that a person can survive everything except the loss of honor.
A significant part of the Russian nobles adopted Karamzin's belief in personal independence and personal rights as the highest life value. Few went further, demanding civil and political rights and freedoms...
The book uses little-known and new materials, it contains about a hundred illustrations.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-89803-161-9
Publisher Пушкинский фонд. Санкт-Петербург. 2008
Bookbinding твердый переплет, 287 стр. иллюстрации

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (Fulfillment Europe)

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Leipzig, 04357

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