
История Советской многонациональной литературы. В 6 томах (комплект из 2 книг - т. 1 и т. 2. кн. 1)


Тимофеев Леонид Иванович, Ломидзе Г. И.

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The six-volume HISTORY OF SOVIET MULTINATIONAL LITERATURE aims to shed light on the paths of Soviet literature as a whole from the very beginning of its development to the present day, to reflect the experience of more than seventy literatures, including both literature with a centuries-old tradition, and literature of peoples who acquired writing only after October .

Data sheet

Publisher Наука
Format 17,5 x 26,5 cм.
Publication date 1970
Bookbinding Hardcover

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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