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Промышленность Древней Руси



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Readers are offered a book by the famous Russian historian and publicist N.Ya. Aristov, dedicated to the study of the industrial state of Ancient Russia. Using ancient Russian written primary sources, excerpts from charters, epics, etc., the author traces the history of the economic life of the Russian people from ancient times to the 15th century. The book deals with various branches of the national economy involved in the production of food, clothing, footwear, the construction of dwellings and the creation of household items. In addition, the so-called transmission industry, which became the beginning of the development of trade, is described; considers internal and external sales, methods and nature of sales, as well as types of trade duties. The book will be of interest both to specialists - historians, archaeologists, culturologists, economists, and to a wide range of readers.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-397-02019-0
Publisher Либроком
Publication date 2011

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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