
В отражении врага... Представления о Советской России в Италии в межвоенный период


Дубровина О.В.


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2nd edition revised and enlarged The book tells how the Italians imagined Soviet Russia, the people, its character, its past and present in the period between the two world wars, when the construction of communism was in full swing in the USSR, and fascism was growing stronger in Italy from year to year. The widespread opinion about the irreconcilable confrontation between the two countries does not always correspond to reality and does not take into account many nuances. Enemies often became friends, placing economic and foreign policy interests above the ideological superstructure. At the same time, the Soviet side even made decisive attempts to change their opinion for the better, which was far from easy under the conditions of the totalitarian regime of Mussolini. But the war again mixed all the cards and turned the established picture upside down. The book is intended for specialists in the history and culture of the USSR and Italy, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the history of Soviet-Italian relations. CONTENT Thanks INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. REVOLUTIONARY RUSSIA IN THE ITALIAN MIRROR A quick look at the backstory February Revolution: from raptures to curses October 1917 in Italy Echoes of October in the Italian Parliament CHAPTER II. PIONEERS OF THE COUNTRY OF SOVIETS Difficult start Mission of the Socialists History in faces CHAPTER III. MOSCOW AND ROME IN THE VORTEX OF TOTALITARISMS New regime, old principles Mussolini's anti-bolshevism Propaganda as an end and a means Propaganda channels USSR through the eyes of specialists CHAPTER IV. DIFFICULT PROFESSION OF A JOURNALIST From recognition to friendship Italian journalists in Moscow CHAPTER V. THROUGH DIPLOMATIC CHANNELS USSR through the eyes of Italian diplomats There is such a profession: to represent the homeland CHAPTER VI. GAINING SPEED Center for Anti-Communist Studies Catholic anti-Soviet organizations Press about the Soviet Union "Radio Moscow" CHAPTER VII. WAR: CHANGING FOCUS Anti-Communism and Pragmatism: A Principal Choice The image of the enemy CONCLUSION Historical laboratory Kolomiets V.K. Afterword List of sources and literature Name index

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-91022-419-7
Publisher АИРО–ХХI
Publication date 2019
Number of Pages 408
Book series АИРО – монография
Bookbinding Hardcover

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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