
Русские мемуары (комплект из двух книг)


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Russian memoirs, 1800-1825.

The first quarter of the 19th century is one of the most significant and remarkable periods of Russian history. The image of the era, its atmosphere, historical and moral image, people who left a bright mark on the pages of the history of that time - the collection "Russian Memoirs" will acquaint the reader with all this. The book includes fragments from the notebooks of P. A. Vyazemsky, notes of the Decembrists A. V. Poggio, I. D. Yakushkin, N. R. Tsebrikov, and a number of other interesting materials.
Contains illustrations.

Russian memoirs. Selected pages of the 18th century.

The book will introduce the reader to the most vivid and interesting pages of memoirs of Russian writers and public figures of the 18th century - notes by A.T. Bolotov, G.R. Derzhavin, I.I. Dmitriev, S.N. Glinka and others. spiritual atmosphere and various aspects of the social life of the era.

Compilation, introductory article and notes by I. I. Podolskaya.
Biographical sketches by V. V. Kunin and I. I. Podolskaya.

Data sheet

Publisher Правда
Publication date 1989, 1990
Number of Pages 560+736
Book series Литературные воспоминания
Bookbinding Hardcover

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SIA Mandariny

Meža prospekts 62 - 4
Jūrmala, LV-2010

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