
Невинные инквизиторы. Джордж Оруэлл и политическая антропология

Хаустов Д.


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The great British writer George Orwell was one of the first to recognize and explore the phenomena of totalitarianism and ideology that flourished in the tragic 20th century. An attentive and thoughtful reading of the works of George Orwell is a necessary, urgent task for anyone who wants to learn to recognize the dangers posed by modern society and state regimes. The historian of philosophy and literature Dmitry Khaustov offers to share the experience of such careful reading with the reader. Continuing the tradition of philosophical commentary, following Benyamin, Agamben and Bibikhin, the author introduces us to the problems of political thinking of George Orwell and considers his work - and above all the novel "One thousand nine hundred and eighty-four" - as a new word in political anthropology.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-386-13447-1
Publisher РИПОЛ классик
Format 21 x 14.7 x 2
Publication date 2019
Number of Pages 328
Book series Политическая антропология
Bookbinding Softcover

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