
Меж Русью и Литвой. Пограничные земли в системе русско-литовских отношений конца XV-XVI в.

Кром М.


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The book is devoted to the history of the entry into Russia of the principalities of the upper Oka, Bryansk, Smolensk and other lands that were in the late 15th - early 16th centuries. on the Russian-Lithuanian border. The author focuses on the police of the local population (princes, boyars, townspeople, Orthodox clergy), who in their own way solved the difficult task of choosing between two opposing powers - the Grand Duchies of Moscow and Lithuania.

The work is based on a wide range of sources, some of which were first introduced by the author into scientific circulation. The first edition of the book (1995) caused a wide scientific resonance and was the most serious generalizing work on the history of relations between Russia and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in recent decades. The third edition of the book contains a new preface and appendix.

Mikhail Krom - University Professor, Professor of Historical Comparative Studies at EUSP. Main research interests: history of Russia and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (XIV-XVII centuries); source study; methods of historical research; directions of modern historical research (historical anthropology, microhistory, history of everyday life, comparative studies).

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-91791-322-3
Publisher Квадрига
Format 22.3 x 15.1 x 2.3
Publication date 2019
Number of Pages 342
Bookbinding Hardcover

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