
Падение Константинополя. Гибель Византийской империи под натиском османов

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New!! The British medievalist historian, Byzantinist Stephen Runciman in his work tells about what brought Byzantium to the brink of death, and the Turks to triumph, why Europe chose not to notice the difficult situation in which the Byzantines found themselves, and the help they received was so insignificant . The book details the course of hostilities, the reasons that led to the fall of Constantinople after a relatively short siege, and the consequences of all this, which was a terrible shock for the Christian peoples. The victory allowed the Turks not only to found a new capital, but also to secure a strong position in Europe for further conquests. For the Greeks, the defeat meant the death of Byzantine civilization and the departure of Greek culture underground, and, in addition, it led to the exodus of Byzantine intellectuals to the West, which played a significant role in the European Renaissance. 16+

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-9524-5438-5
Publisher Центрполиграф
Format 20.6 x 13.5 x 2.1 20.6 x 13.5 x 2.1
Publication date 2020
Number of Pages 254
Bookbinding Hardcover

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