
Мой язык: Учебник русского языка для 2 класса: Как я говорю, думаю, читаю, пишу


Гитович И.Е,Адельгейм И.Е.,

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The textbook is intended for use in Russian language lessons in the 2nd grade of general education schools and advanced schools. Goals of the book:

1. Formation of literate writing skills, mastering the basics of grammar;

2. Providing the child with the necessary knowledge about the language (what it is, how it originated and developed, what it consists of and why it is for a person, what speech and types of speech activity are, why and how to learn your native language, etc.)

3. Ensure the continuity of Russian language courses and reading, showing children that literary texts are created according to the laws of the language

Data sheet

ISBN 5859390203
Publisher Москва " Баласс"
Format увеличенный
Publication date 1995
Number of Pages 192
Bookbinding мягкий

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