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Дина Ратнер

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The book by Israeli and Russian writer, Ph.D. Dina Ratner tells the story of the life of a Mountain Jewish woman, her experience of loneliness, giving strength to be herself. About a person's search for himself, what meaning we fill our lives with, that's how we live. About historical memory and the hope to restore your home, in which the sage will be valued above the rich, and the righteous above the nobleman. The plots of the works are based on real events, genuine human passions and thoughts. The author dedicated this work to the memory of his Odessa relative Yosef Yehuda Cherny, a traveler, ethnographer, and historian of the Mountain Jews.

Data sheet

Publisher Фонд СТМЭГИ
Publication date 2017
Bookbinding Softcover

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Издательство Литературный европеец (S)

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