
Владимир Кобрин


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The book is dedicated to the life and work of one of the most talented and original directors of Russian cinema. His films, unfortunately, still little known to the general public, can only very conditionally be classified as popular science films. In the 1970s, they sparked the imagination of scientists, especially biophysicists, geneticists, and futurologists. And in the 90s he became the winner of many festivals. The book includes articles, letters, interviews, abstracts of speeches, archival documents that help to restore the creative history of films. The book will interest those who love screen art and are ready, together with famous filmmakers and writers, to unravel the secrets of Kobrin cinema. This edition can take its rightful place in memoir literature. It contains many memories of friends and students. Vladimir Mikhailovich Kobrin was a true master, a beloved teacher, and this book is primarily a human document. Her hero himself most of all appreciated the warmth of this world and humanity - a criterion that the artist never changed in his works.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-902914-01-9
Publisher МПК-сервис
Publication date 2005
Number of Pages 512
Bookbinding Hardcover

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