
ГИД, ГИДЕССА и турик в придачу.

Виктор СамоЄйлович

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The guide profession is rare, found mainly in large cities with a rich history and includes many others in bits and pieces : translator, tour guide, art critic, architect, accountant, organizer, vile schemer, psychologist, short and long distance runner, actor, hypocrite, diplomat, speaker, storyteller, bodyguard, interrogator, informer, bribe taker, etc. Guide work is seasonal and unpredictable. Guides share little experience with young colleagues, and in this case, this book represents the first attempt to outline the scope of responsibilities and warn about difficulties and obstacles in the wheels when fulfilling professional duties from the height of a single bell tower. The old cohort leaves the stage to the sound of their own steps, taking everything with them. Start, young people, all from the very beginning! Everyone must roll their barrel of knowledge up the mountain on their own. Therefore, this opus is a kind of introduction to the specialty. After getting acquainted with these “verses”, you will definitely be able to say to yourself and, first of all, to your parents: This party is not for me!” Or: “This is exactly what I need in this life!”

  < strong>We wish you success!

Data sheet

ISBN 5-98883-015-3
Publisher Издательство "Осипов"
Publication date 2006
Library Circulation 500
Number of Pages 408
Bookbinding мягкий
Language Russian

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Victoria’s Books


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