
Всемирная История в 10 томах. Том II

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 Victoria’s Books
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World History in 10 Volumes. Volume 2 (before the 2nd century after Christ) 1956

M.: Volume 1 - 1955 - Volume 10 - 1965; 9964 pp.

The ten-volume “World History” published by the USSR Academy of Sciences is conceived as the first consolidated work in Soviet historical literature, illuminating the path traveled by humanity from ancient times to our modern era. EAT. Zhukov (editor-in-chief)

I, II - History of primitive society and the ancient world (before IV - V centuries AD)

III, IV - History of the Middle Ages (V century - mid-17th century)

V, VI, VII - New history from the English revolution of the 17th century. before the Great October Socialist Revolution.

VIII, IX, X - Events of recent history - up to the end of the Second World War.

Data sheet

Publisher Государственное издательство Политической Литературы Москва
Format 84х108
Publication date 1956
Library Circulation 200000
Number of Pages 899
Bookbinding Hardcover
Language Russian
Small temporary spots yes
yellowed pages yes
cover defects yes
noticeable cover scuffs yes
mechanical damage to the book block and binding неземетные повреждения

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Seller type: Private person


Victoria’s Books


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