
Секретный террор


Колпакиди Александр Иванович, Агабеков Георгий Сергеевич

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The author of the book `Secret Terror` Georgy Agabekov - the first major intelligence officer-chekist (he was the head of the eastern sector of the INO OGPU, a resident of the GPU in the Middle East), who went to the West in 1930. He explained his flight as a disagreement with the methods of work of the Soviet special services and the policy of the Kremlin. For contact with British intelligence, he was killed in 1937 by agents of the NKVD. G. Agabekov's memoirs are a unique evidence of a direct participant in many events that took place in the 1920s. In addition to the story about the operations of Soviet intelligence, the book gives very expressive characteristics of many figures of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD, including V.R. Menzhinsky, G.G. Yagoda, M.A. Trilisser, Ya.Kh. Petres and others. The book is supplied with a wide appendix and unique photo illustrations.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-270-01866-7
Publisher Современник
Publication date 1996
Number of Pages 472
Book series Жестокий век: разведчики и шпионы
Bookbinding Hardcover

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