
Страсти. Рассказы

Исаак Зингер


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The collection of short stories "Passion" was first published by Singer in 1976. Its heroes are the author's compatriots, scattered by fate around the world, who survived the Holocaust and managed to maintain faith in goodness and nobility, as well as the ability to make fun of themselves. They love and hate, study the Torah and sin, philosophize and do stupid things - in general, they live like all people. After this collection, she was fascinated by Bashevis Singer and read everything that was published from his works - an amazing writer. Light language, unusual plots, subtle irony, wonderful humor, touchingness, and most importantly - wisdom! I am very glad that he was awarded the Nobel Prize, as they say, if not him, then who else! Recently I was asked: "What are you reading now?" "Singer". "By that name, I only know a sewing machine." Under the cover with Lubarov's painting "Evening" (by the way, a good picture) hides twenty stories. They are all different and yet they are one. The stories are simple, everyday, but with them it is so easy, so clear. The author showed verbally and told in which countries he was, whom he met and what impressions people made. In some stories he brings mysticism and magic, in others - sadness and melancholy, in others - love and passion. But everything concerns him, one, Isaac Singer, he is the main character of almost all stories, through his eyes the reader sees hunchbacks, a cemetery, ladies in hats ... And, most importantly, he talks about himself, about his impressions and his worldview. He considered America his homeland, but yearned for pre-war Poland. Let it not be written in the text, but among the lines you can read. I liked Singer's short prose more than his full-fledged work "Shosha". Probably because the stories intertwine folklore with reality. I have a book with traditions and legends in the Belarusian language, I used to read it as a child. And after reading the book "Passion", I remembered the legends. And one more thing: the book was written in Yiddish, it was published in America, respectively, in English, and in this edition there is a translation from English into Russian. There were good translators, since the aura of the stories was preserved (I want to believe it).

The pages are slightly yellowed from long storage

Data sheet

ISBN 9785751602222
Publisher Текст
Format 130х200
Publication date 2001
Number of Pages 320
Bookbinding Твердый
yellowed pages yes

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