
Загадки истории. Географические открытия


Згурская М.П., Корсун А.Н, Лавриненко Н.Е.

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It is difficult for a modern person who knows what the Earth looks like not only from a bird's eye view, but also from space, it is difficult to imagine that there were times when young mankind had no idea either about the oceans, or about the continents, or about the peoples inhabiting them. . When did everything change? And who were the first sailors who risked going to the open sea? But all the sacrifices and efforts of the brave discoverers would have been in vain if people had not learned how to make maps and navigate by the stars. So to whom does the honor of creating the science of cartography and the first navigation manuals belong? Well, when full-fledged maps were created, the boundaries of the world moved apart and the discovery of the New World became a natural result of this. So what were the Europeans looking for in the New World? And do fairy tales always lie?

Data sheet

ISBN 978-966-03-5628-3
Publisher Фолио
Format 84x108/32
Publication date 2011
Library Circulation 2000
Number of Pages 384
Book series Загадки истории
Bookbinding твердый

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