
Проста фізика. Від атомного ядра до межі Всесвіту


Левін, Волтер, Ґольдштейн, Воррен


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An object that falls on the earth attracts the planet to itself. At the lift, you are very fast, and you gain kilograms. If you lie down, your height is greater. Why didn't you know everything? Professor Walter Levin, a popularizer of physics and a talented scientist, did not inspire you with theories and formulas, but carried out further - in the light of experiment. З ним ви наново відкриєте закони Ньютона, ефект Доплера і рівняння Бернуллі та нарешті зрозумієте різницю між вагою і масою.
Вoлтep Лeвiн i Вoppeн Ґoльдштeйн cтaвлять зa мeту пoкaзaти людям кpacу тa вишукaнicть фiзики, a нe мaтeмaтичнi пoдpoбицi. Before you, the names of the diva of physics will open up, the stars are like we are alive, but we are not the same as they are known in the world. The mustache is spiced with humor, special experiences and neumovirny doslidami.

Data sheet

ISBN 9786177730117
Publisher 1Nash Format
Publication date 2019
Number of Pages 296
Bookbinding Твёрдый
Language Ukrainian

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