
Эдвард Радзинский. Сочинения в 7 томах (комплект)


Эдвард Радзинский

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In all the books of Edvard Radzinsky there are two main characters. The first is History, majestic and ruthless, giving rise to heroes and villains, executioners and their victims. And the second is Love, which at all the sharp turns of History helps a person to remain a person ... Count Alexei Orlov and Princess Tarakanova, False Dmitry and Marina Mnishek, Nicholas II and Alexandra, Mozart and Constance - all of them remained in human memory not only as historical characters, but also as people whose lives were overshadowed by the sign of Love. And even the gloomy tyrants Nero, Ivan the Terrible and Stalin were not alien to this uplifting feeling, which (who knows!) Helped them save the remnants of humanity in themselves. Edvard Radzinsky's works are characterized by deep psychologism and unique style of the author. And his ability to present to the reader the most unexpected interpretations of well-known events is admired by hundreds of thousands of fans of his work. Volume 1. Nicholas II: life and death An artistic and historical study of the last Russian Tsar, based on unique archival documents. Volume 2. Stalin The book about the first "Soviet Tsar" is a psychological portrait of a man who reigned supreme in our country for thirty years. Volume 3. Mysteries of love Prose works and plays about the "violence of feelings", about the subtlest psychological nuances of human relationships. Volume 4. Mysteries of history. Part I The book includes historical miniatures about Princess Tarakanova, Mozart, the adventurer Kazanov and the Decembrist Lunin, whose life and death are still fraught with many secrets. Volume 5. Mysteries of history. Part II The heroes of this book - Socrates and Ivan the Terrible, the impostor False Dmitry and the executioner Sanson, the thinker Chaadaev and the poet Velimir Khlebnikov - geniuses and villains who left their mark on the history of mankind. Volume 6. Rasputin: life and death Investigation of the secrets of the life and death of the "holy elder", who had a huge impact on the life of the imperial court and the politics of Russia in the early twentieth century. Volume 7. Writers' Games "Games of writers...". Marquis de Sade and Beaumarchais, Francois Rene Chateaubriand and Marie Antoinette... Dangerous games of great writers, in which all the cult figures of the Gallant Age were involved against their will. "Napoleon...". A deep and unexpected look at one of the biggest personalities of History. One of the best literary and historical studies about Napoleon.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-7027-0547-5
Publisher Вагриус
Publication date 1998
Number of Pages 3878
Book series Эдвард Радзинский. Сочинения в 7 томах
Bookbinding Твердый

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Round Rock
United States

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