
Наука Каббала, книга 2


Михаэль Лайтман


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The works of Michael Laitman, the author of the 30-volume series "Kabbalah. The Secret Teaching", have been translated into 19 languages of the world. M. Laitman is the largest practicing Kabbalist of our time. The teachings of Michael Laitman, based on the research of the most prominent Kabbalists in the history of mankind and on their own experience of the Path, have gained immense international popularity. More than 150 departments of M. Laitman's school work all over the world. Kabbalist sources from ancient times indicated that in our time (since the 90s of the 20th century) the science of Kabbalah will begin to spread throughout the world. Today Kabbalah is studied by tens of thousands of people in different languages and in almost all countries. However, the need to master Kabbalah in the original language arises at the first acquaintance with the main sources. The "Kabbalist Dictionary" is based on the text of an article by the great modern Kabbalist Baal HaSulam "Introduction to the Science of Kabbalah" ("Ptiha le Hochmat Kabbalah"), since it is from it that the study of this ancient and most modern science begins. In the Kabbalistic Dictionary, all the words of this fundamental text are given in the form in which they are used in the article. After mastering the Hebrew text of "Introduction to the Science of Kabbalah", the reader will have access to almost all the main Kabbalistic sources.

Data sheet

ISBN 5902172152
Publisher Laitman Kabbalah Publishers
Publication date 2003-01-01
Number of Pages 640
Book series Каббала. Тайное учение
Bookbinding Hardcover

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