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Донован К.

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The wayward grandfather's will was simple and clear: Trinity Standish must marry a man within a year who could save the family ranch from ruin.
What's an inexperienced girl to do?
Perhaps the best thing is to forget everything his dreams of love and turn to a marriage agency in the hope of finding a suitable groom.
However, Jack Ryerson, who responded to Trinity's proposal, is not just a practical person, but a real man.
A man who does not consider marriage a bargain and knows well how to make a woman happy.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-17-036099-1
Publisher АСТ
Format 70x100/32
Publication date 2006
Number of Pages 320
Book series Мини-Шарм
Bookbinding Softcover
Language Russian

All author\'s books:

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DMR Rusexpress GmbH (S)

Atriumstrasse 4
Leipzig, 04315

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