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No one except Farhad Seyidov himself, the vice-president of a large oil company, knows that a powerful radio beacon is in the ring on his hand. As representatives of the Russian foreign intelligence service assured Farhad, the lighthouse will help to find him anywhere in the world. And in warring Iraq, where he is sent, this is necessary - after all, in addition to the official mission, Farhad must meet with the elusive terrorist al-Rashidi, whose father he once saved from death. The special services of many countries are hunting for a terrorist, and now there is a real chance to destroy him. Farhad suddenly realizes that he has been given the unenviable role of a decoy. And then he begins to act not as prescribed, but at his own peril and risk ...

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-699-55374-7
Publisher Эксмо
Format 70x90/32
Publication date 2012
Library Circulation 6100
Book series Маэстро детектива Чингиз Абдуллаев
Bookbinding мягкий
Language Russian

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DMR Rusexpress GmbH (S)

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Leipzig, 04315

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