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Марина Серова

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Private detective Tatyana Ivanova arrived at the Lazur boarding house in Adler with the firm intention of forgetting about thieves and murderers for at least a few days. On the very first walk along the shore of the lake, picturesque mountain peaks, the purest air and ... a dead woman lying in transparent water were waiting for her. The deceased turned out to be Elmira, who arrived at the boarding house with her businessman husband the night before. Mikhailov asked Ivanova to find the killer of his wife, and the best private detective could not refuse. So Tatyana rested! The case seemed simple: after all, the criminal is here, among the vacationers. Ivanova thought so until a new misfortune happened - Elmira's husband died. An unknown killer sent the spouses to the other world almost in front of Tatyana, and now it is a matter of honor to figure him out ...

Data sheet

ISBN 5-699-05311-5
Publication date 2004
Number of Pages 316
Bookbinding Softcover
Language Russian

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Leipzig, 04315

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